Decree No. 82/2018
Effective from: 21 May 2018
The aim of the Act No. 181/2014 Coll., on Cyber Security and the amendment of related acts (Cyber Security Act) is to put into practice a set of rights and obligations to increase the safety of cyberspace and to set up an active cooperation mechanism in-between the private sector and public administration. For entities which are affected by the regulation of the Cyber Security Act, specific obligations are provided, such as the form and requirements for reporting of the cyber-security incidents. By fulfilment of these obligations, there should occur an increase in the protection of information or communication systems of these entities as well as the networks which they operate.
The new Decree transposes the European Directive on measures to ensure a high social standard of the security networks and information systems in the Union, and as of the day it comes into legal effect it also repeals the Cyber Security Decree No. 316/2014 Coll.